David Baris Quoted in American Banker Article, “Allegations of Insider Trading on Bank’s Board Offer Lesson for All”

David Baris was quoted in Paul Davis’ American Banker article, “Allegations of Insider Trading on Bank’s Board Offer Lesson for All,” on April 19, 2016.

Despite a slowdown in deal activity this year largely tied to low stock prices – 69 deals had been announced through Monday compared with 82 a year earlier, based on data from S&P Global Market Intelligence – most industry experts believe the pace will accelerate in coming months.

As a result management teams need to spend more time educating directors on the risks tied to handling nonpublic information. Doing so should help companies protect themselves, and their shareholders, should an executive or director make illegal trades, industry experts said.

“When we do our core courses for boards we spend a considerable amount of time on issues like insider trading,” said David Baris, a partner at the law firm BuckleySandler and president of the American Association of Bank Directors. “Having policies in place is very important, whether it involves a public or nonpublic bank.”

Click here to read the full article at www.americanbanker.com (subscription required)

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